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Become a Monthly Member


Invest in Trees Matter, Invest in Our Future

Donating monthly and being a member helps us stay in engaged with you while ensuring we have long term sustainable streams of donations. All monthly donors receive:

  • A Trees Matter Quarterly Member Only Newsletter
  • Notifications of special events and activities
  • Pre-sale opportunities for all events

Donors of $300 annually and above receive name listing in our Quarterly Member newsletter and discounts to our annual Mesquite Pancake Breakfast.


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* Membership level

See How Your Donation Makes a Difference! 


 $5/ month:
     Tool Rental for a Planting

$10/ month: 
1 School Tree Planting with Students

$25/ month:
Certified Arborist Instructor Fee

$50/ month:
4-6 Trees for School Plantings
with Students

$75/ month:
Build Advocacy Resources & Presentations

    $100/ month: 
    2 Free Community Educational Resource Workshops/Classes

Copyright © 2024 Trees Matter. All Rights Reserved. Support | Contact | Employment 

      (602) 689-2896 | 734 W. Polk St, Phoenix, AZ 85007